"The kitchen is the heart of the home."
If you caught episode one of HGTV's Battle on the Beach then you got to see a lot of fun and exciting things happen. I think the most exciting news was getting to learn who our mentor for the show is. If you missed it; spoiler alert; Steve and I are Team TY.
That's right; in episode one Ty Pennington revealed that he would be our mentor for the show and we were super excited to get to work alongside him.
From the very beginning, we clicked very well with Ty and I knew this would be a really fun matchup. Once our mentors were revealed; we had an opportunity to tour the houses and we finally got to see which house we'd be renovating.
The Before
Seeing the house for the first time; Steve and I realized just how much work we would be in for but we still remained optimistic that we could work our magic and bring home a win.
We immediately knew that we needed to shift the kitchen out of that corner hole without even talking to each other and could quickly envision the new layout for the kitchen. Here is a rendering of what I had envisioned the kitchen to look.
If you're familiar with renovations then you know that your initial plan isn't always what ends up as the final plan and that was true for this kitchen. I had created a rendering for what I wanted the kitchen to look like, but after talking to the engineer and realizing we had to move some things around, that quickly changed.
Once we felt good about the layout we got to work on bringing it to life.
Rebuilding the Kitchen
Rebuilding the kitchen was definitely a challenge with the time constraint. Typically, we would have the time to pick out everything ins timely fashion but we didn’t have that luxury; so it was a rush to the finish line.
Originally, we had planned on doing the stone backsplash ourselves but we just didn’t have enough time to get it done; so we decided to use our budget and hire it out. Good thing we did because we were up against the clock.
Check out the stone here if you’re interested.
Shop Our Kitchen
If you're interested in any items from the kitchen, today is your lucky day because Im adding links to all the accessories and furniture that I picked out for the kitchen.

Now, if you haven't watched the show I'm giving you fair warning now that the next couple of paragraphs are SPOILERS!!
So if you haven't caught the episode go stream it now on HGTV or StreamonMax and then come on back!
All of our hard work paid off because Team Ty was able to walk away with the Kitchen Win!! We knew in order to have a good chance to win the whole competition that we definitely needed to win the kitchen, so this puts us one step closer to hopefully bringing home the Battle on the Beach win!