Skim Coating 101
Considering updating those dated orange textured walls? Explore my Skim Coating technique.
The one thing I knew I wanted to change when I first moved into the lake house was these horrid walls. I know some people don't mind the orange peel texture but for whatever reason it is my arch nemesis.
With my design changes in mind, I knew I couldn't leave the walls as is. So after doing several rooms and making several attempts at skim coating, I finally got a system going and decided to share it with you guys.
I honestly believe the best teacher is to get out there and just do it, but I'm hoping that seeing me do it will at least help you through it.
Materiels Used
Video Tutorial
Skim Coating is one of those processes that you just gotta see live, so be sure to check out this video tutorial to see how I skim coat my walls to get a beautiful finish.
Skim Coating Tips and Tricks to Remember (Referenced in Video
- Remove all trim and outlet switches for an easier skim coating experience.
- Add water to the joint compound to make it easier to manage before applying to walls.
- Joint compound around your outlets and switches first to make it easier when you use your big joint compound knife.
- The roller is there to help get joint compound on the wall, its ok to get a little messy. Dabbing it on the wall will give you a better result than rolling it.
Here is a little look into some of the rooms that were skim coated; it may be a subtle difference but I think it makes all the difference in the world.
It's really hard to see the difference in pictures but in person, I promise you, it's night and a day. Feels like I have fresh new walls.
Hopefully, these little tips and tricks help you on your next skim coating venture! Be sure to DM me any questions here if you need some advice!