"Let there be light."

When I started the home buying process, I was hands down most excited about getting to choose lighting choices. I probably looked at hundreds of lights before choosing the ones I did. But I finally narrowed down my choices and I can't be happier with the choices I made. 

I've had a few request for sources, so I am adding all of my light sources here. If there is something missing, I'm working on getting it added, so don't worry! It's on the way!


Custom kitchen

When it came to kitchen lighting, I went back and forth so many times on which light to choose and also how many lights to put up. Originally, I had decided on three but then decided that I didn't want the lights to look too cluttered and take away from the feel of the kitchen so I decided on these fun modern bulb lights and I'm so glad I did.

Kitchen with Z-Lite pendants

Dining Room

Dining RoomIf I had to pick my most favorite light, the dining room by far takes the cake. I looked through so many lights to find this one and it was so worth it. This light is the perfect combination for this mirror wall and I love it!

Living Room

Living Room ChandelierI knew I wanted to go big in the living room and I knew exactly which light I wanted, so the process of choosing the living room light was a no brainer. I absolutely love gold and this chandelier it definitely a show stopper!


Office Lighting

I wanted to incorporate some color in my office, so I decided to go with green cabinets and I knew I wanted gold lighting in this room, so I knew green cabinetry would be the perfect color to contrast against the gold. I absolutely love my office light and the reading light was also a nice touch.

Outside of the office is the entryway, which features this flush mount light.

I also have the same reading light by my master bedroom. It's the perfect addition for this small little space behind my arch!

Reading Light

Master Closet

Pendant LightNow you may be wondering why my master closet room is empty. Well, I decided to tell my builder to leave the room empty so I can build my own master closet, but I did have him install the lighting for me. I  picked out two small gold pendants; I'm sure you've noticed the common gold theme by now!

Welp, that wraps up the major lighting for my new home! I hoped you guys love my lighting choices just as much as I do. Later guys and as always, thanks for reading, XOXO Ashley.

January 12, 2021 — Ashley Basnight